Sophie Webb as St Sophy

I wanted to do Sophie again as the first one was on canvas (see first post).
This version can be seen as the super bling version of Sophy in front of tiles with a repeat pattern of associated animals (Sophie and Hagia Sophia, the holy wisdom, are often conflated), namely the owl which you can also see of the huge sculpture of Sophy in Sofia.

The butterfly is reincarnation, those are morphos, chosen not only for their colour but their names and the peacock is as in your face decoratively as you can get and have an awful voice. Now Sophie is gorgeous and lovely but the most foul mouthed person I have ever had the pleasure to meet as she swear like 20 troupers rolled into one (her voice is perfectly lovely though). She does great work too which be be seen here.
The blues in tile shapes with smattering of colours are what I associate with byzantine decorations.
In this version I have re-done her tattoos re-making them into mehndi patterns.
5x7 inches